How To Pick The Perfect Brand Name For Your Fashion Label

Are you thinking of launching your own fashion label? You’re in for an exciting ride! You’ll need to create your own fashion brand website, figure out a social media strategy, and refine your design process. But first, you need to pick out a name.

Perhaps you already have loads of ideas, or maybe you’re starting from scratch. Either way, your decision could make or break your business. An inappropriate name could turn off your audience before they even look at your products. 

So, how can you make sure your name sets you up for success?

1. Research your favorite brands

What brands do you follow and wear? What do you like about their names? Make a list of your top 10 or even top 20 brands, and research the story behind their names. You’ll discover that they come from lots of sources: a name, an idea, a verb, a company value, a special date, and so on. Let yourself be inspired. How could you incorporate a similar strategy?

2. Ask yourself, “What feelings do I want to inspire in my customers?”

A brand name sets up expectations in your audience. How do you want to make your customers feel? Sporty, classy, youthful, fashionable, rich? Write down a few adjectives, verbs, and objects that could form the basis for your brand name.

3. Permit yourself to come up with lots of ideas

Let your imagination run wild. Set aside a couple of hours to generate as many possibilities as you can. Don’t worry if some of them seem ridiculous. You don’t have to show anyone else this list! If you are working with someone else, work together. You don’t want to come up with a list of names you love, but your business partner hates. 

Five Tests Your Brand Name Must Pass

Once you’ve narrowed your list to a few favorites, run a few tests on each.

1. Is it original?

The last thing you want when setting up a new business is a lawsuit. Start by running Google and social media searches to make sure your name isn’t too similar to that of an existing brand. Next, run a check with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or your country’s equivalent. Consulting with a specialist legal service can be well worth the money. Consider it if there’s room in your budget.

2. Is it offensive?

Make sure your name isn’t offensive. Does it have negative connotations in other languages? Do some groups associate it with tragic events or slurs? An hour or two of research could save you a lot of embarrassment. As a general rule, don’t try to shock people with your brand name. Not only will it cause offense, but “shocking” names tend to date quickly. A name that seems outlandish today might be cringeworthy in a couple of years.

3. Is it memorable and easy to spell?

Your name might be smart and descriptive, but it’s useless if people can’t remember it. If your brand name makes use of a common word, stick to the original spelling. In general, it’s best to err on the side of simple and short. 

7. Are your preferred domain names and social media handles still available?

You’ll need a website and a presence on the most popular social media platforms. If you can’t secure the rights to the right domain name and social media handles, you’ll need to come up with a new idea. 

8. Does your audience like it? 

This may be the most crucial test of all. When you choose a name, you risk developing tunnel vision. Because you like it, you may assume that your target audience agrees. It’s time for a reality check. Run it past as many members of your chosen demographic as possible. If the majority dislike it, it’s time for a rethink. Don’t let pride get in the way of making the best decision for your brand.

Your Efforts Now Will Make Your Life Easier Later

Does this sound like a lot of work? It is! However, don’t underestimate the power of a brand name. Rebranding an established business is difficult, so it’s much better to spend time getting it right from the beginning. You’ll thank yourself later.

from Fashion Bomb Daily Style Magazine: Celebrity Fashion, Fashion News, What To Wear, Runway Show Reviews

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