Is it Time for You to Consider Pet Photography?

This is the fourth post in the new SCU "Wednesdays with Westcott" series, and each one has been jam-packed with excellent content to help you raise the bar on the quality of your images. Developing content by some of the finest photographers and educators in professional photography, Westcott never slows down on their goal to make you a better photographer so you can thrive, not just survive!

In the hierarchy of why people hire professional photographers in the portrait/social categories, the top three are brides, babies, and pets. This is based on a survey Kodak did over twenty years ago and I don't believe it's changed at all. In fact, following pets it's my personal assumption that children, family, seniors and boudoir probably follow.

In regards to pets, there are an estimated 180+ million dogs and cats in the US with almost 70% of all households owning pets. That's an incredible number and represents an opportunity for so many of you to expand your business and in turn build additional revenue.

But make no mistake about it, pets deserve the same skill set as people. While they won't be critical over the quality of the portrait, you sure can count on their owners! The image I kicked off this post with is one of my most favorite portraits of Molly the Wonder Dog who died in February. It was captured by Bambi Cantrell and is one of the most cherished portraits I have of Molly. But what if Bambi had just said, "That's good enough," and done a mediocre job?

You owe it to every client to capture and create the finest images. There's no room for shortcuts or compromise on the quality of a portrait. And, to get to the point of truly being a professional artist you need to practice continually.

Looking through Westcott's archives in YouTube I came across this beginner's video about pet photography. It might be 2 1/2 years old, but the tips Brandon from Westcott shares are timeless. There are so many great points in the video to help you capture and create beautiful images that go well beyond just being good enough!
If you haven't visited the Westcott U website, check it out. It's loaded with great content covering virtually every area of photography. And, their YouTube channel is chocked full with 369 videos to help you become the very best photographer you can be. It's all just a click away on the WU logo below.

For more information on the equipment Brandon used in the pet photography video, click on either kit below!
D5 2-Light Octabox Kit with Free Backdrop
D5 2-Light Softbox Kit with Free Backdrop
Click for outstanding content

from SkipCohenUniversity - SCU Blog

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