25 Bags You'll Never Guess We Found in Nordstrom's Big Sale - From Gucci to Kate Spade

When it comes to shopping, I like to think I'm logical with my purchases, but handbags are my total weakness. So, when I heard Nordstrom's massive Half Yearly Sale was back, I knew my wallet was going to be in trouble. The sale has so many incredible deals that are almost too good to be true, but the bags selection truly blew me away. It's filled with designer names like Saint Laurent, Kate Spade, Tory Burch, and even Balenciaga. Prices are majorly discounted, too - some even range up to 40 percent off.

If you've been on the hunt for the perfect new Summer bag, now's your chance to get the one of your dreams for a superaffordable price. Shopping a huge sale isn't always easy though, so we did the hard work for you and uncovered the 25 hottest deals you won't want to miss. Choices are already selling out fast thought, so you won't want to drag your feet. Keep reading to shop and find your match before it's too late.

from POPSUGAR Fashion

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