Photography, Light Painting, Ms. BT and a 13,000 Mile Trip

It's Mirrorless Monday and what a kick to share today's post! Here's the backstory which leads right into a sneak peek to some terrific future events!

At the beginning of April, I shared the light painted image above of Ms. Bubble Trailer by Suzette Allen and Jonny Yoshinaga. Ms. BT was on a mini-tour in northern California. "She" was just getting started at becoming a personality in photographic education. She's no longer a mechanical object, but the co-star in the story of two passionate artists and educators! She's loaded with personality as well as gear and outdoor metal prints from Bay Photo!

Last week Suzette shared the video below, taking us through the making of the light painted image. Light painting isn't something you'd do for every client, but it's a great addition to your skill set. At a time when competition is fierce, you need a few things up your sleeve to make your work different. 

Suzette captured the image with the LUMIX G9 and the 7-14mm lens. Click on either product below for more information.

Suzette has packed a lot of great information into this video. In just fifteen minutes she takes you through a journey in capture and post-processing, light painting from start to the finished image of Ms. BT in the California redwoods. She's a remarkable instructor, and the combination of her and Jonny sets the stage for an upcoming series of programs not to be missed.

LUMIX G9 Mirrorless Camera Body, 20.3 Megapixels plus 80 Megapixel High-Resolution Mode
LUMIX G Vario Lens, 7-14mm, F4.0 ASPH
​In September Ms. BT, with a whole lot of help from Suzette and Jonny will be hitting the road for eight weeks, and over 13,000 anticipated miles. They're starting from California and heading to Panasonic in NJ, then down the east coast to Florida and back to California. They'll be teaching every week along the way with great workshops and meetups to help you raise the bar on your images. Plus, you can count on lots of surprises and one opportunity after another for many of you to meet one of the most respected educators in professional photography...oh, and let's not forget about Ms. BT.

Just like "Where's Waldo," we're going to be tracking Ms. BT and her "team" with images and updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting in September! From gear to technique to great locations stay tuned as Suzette and Jonny bring you some of the very best in creative education and FUN!

Remember the word fun? It's one of those words too often lost in business today. We all get so wrapped up in the stress and challenges of working that we forget to have fun. Well, here's a new spin on creative education with great programming, terrific products and an unmatched passion for teaching! 

Stay tuned - the link to all things BT will be right here every day of the tour.  What a kick!

The BT Light Tour

Being creative and traveling light, but heavy on good content!

from SkipCohenUniversity - SCU Blog

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