Ms "BT" Hits the Photography Highway!

Click to follow the adventures of BT and learn about photography, post processing, travel, video, and simply living creatively.
Images copyright Suzette Allen. All rights reserved.
PictureClick to follow the adventures of Ms BT and learn about photography, post processing, travel, video, and simply living creatively.

One of the best things about our industry and the Internet is the way we share images today. Suzette Allen shared the light-painted image above yesterday on Facebook, and I loved it.

There's a fun part of the backstory, and it helps if you know a little about Ms "BT" (Bubble Trailer). Sheila and I were first introduced two years ago when we saw Bubble Trailer in images Suzette and her husband Jonny shared when visiting us in Florida after taking BT to Burning Man.

​Since then, "BT" has become a leading personality in photographic education. It's no longer a mechanical object, but the co-star in the story of two passionate artists and educators! And, she's loaded with personality as well as gear and outdoor metal prints from Bay Photo!

Suzette and Jonny hit the road last week with a mini California tour but stay tuned, because there's lots more coming later in the year. You're going to hear a lot about the three of them. Even better, there are some fantastic educational opportunities coming up to help you raise the bar on your skill set!

​Suzette posted last week:

Come to Bay Photo on April 4 and you are in the area (Santa Cruz, CA) from 3-5pm to enjoy some [safe] S'more and Smiles! Sorry- no campfires allowed! BUT get a selfie with Ms Bubble Trailer and check out her beautiful EXT Metal Photo gallery! First thirty people get some BT swag too! 

And while it's got nothing whatsoever to do with the tour, BT or for that matter even is Jonny's birthday! So, Happy Birthday Buddy - wish we were there to help you celebrate!

Click to put Suzette and Jonny's teaching schedule on your radar!
LUMIX G9 Mirrorless Camera Body, 20.3 Megapixels plus 80 Megapixel High-Resolution Mode, 5-Axis Dual I.S2
LUMIX G Vario Lens, 7-14mm, F4.0 ASPH., Micro Four Thirds

​Meanwhile, with the top image of BT at night in the woods, Suzette published how the image was created using the LUMIX G9 and the LUMIX G 7-14mm lens...

Light Painting with @BubbleTrailer in the redwoods! We just had to do this!! We waited until dusk to capture her tiny-ness next to that huge tree....we photographed this with a #LumixG9 on aMeFOTO tripod at IS0200 for 10 seconds on each exposure. (most were at F7.1 but a few at f4) Combined in Adobe Photoshop with masking, using 8-ish exposures, we were able to get all of the elements in pretty light. We just used our big flashlights and lit up each area of the image separately.  

Gotta make a print of this... what [BayPhoto] product do you think? Maplewood print? metal? Acrylic? ideas??
#WhereLumixGoes #LumixG9

from SkipCohenUniversity - SCU Blog

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