Fast Food Friday - For Professional Photographers

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Thanks to so many of you, what started as a short weekly feature of ideas to help you run a stronger business is now well into its second year. And, every time I think I'm out of ideas to share, a new one comes along.

Remember why I started Fast Food Friday - most of you are right-brain creatives and you don't take the time to pay attention to the operational side of your business. Early "blue-plate specials" at the SCU diner were fundamental building blocks for your business. However, over the last few months, we've shared some ideas that aren't always fast and easy to do, but rewarding, always aimed at helping you build a stronger business.

Today's is a little of both - it's an idea to help you build stronger relationships but at the same time pure fun in the benefit of establishing stronger friendships. 

​In photography, we always talk about how the Internet changed everything, especially the way people share pictures and video. It’s made the world a smaller place for all of us, and we’re able to keep in touch with old and new friends alike.
But, today's Fast Food Friday special isn’t as much about the Internet and social media as it is thanks to social media, with some suggestions on how to make your life/business more productive!

Putting the "Social" in Social Media

PictureClick to listen to the podcast
Let's start with the backstory: 
Every morning I share an inspiring quote usually about business, success, etc. Over a year ago I shared a quote by Shep Hyken a customer service and experience expert, author and speaker. He’s a NY Times best-selling author and one of the leading experts on the importance of customer service.
A few minutes later he retweeted my quote, and I was surprised. It’s not very often any of my quotes are noticed by the authors themselves. And here’s where social media stepped aside and opened the door for good old conventional communication.
I picked up the phone and called him to say thanks. We probably talked about customer service for half an hour. That led to Shep being a guest with Chamira Young and me on the Mind Your Own Business podcast, and a couple of months later I was a guest on his podcast.

Since then we’ve talked a few times on the phone, shared a little content and yesterday grabbed breakfast together before Sheila, and I hit the airport in St. Louis to return from ShutterFest.
And that brings me right to the point of this morning’s post – social media is an incredible tool to communicate, gather information and stay in touch, but it’s also a gateway to something far better. Social media is one dimensional; phone conversations I could argue are two, but meeting somebody you admire and getting time in face to face is three dimensional and a real building block in relationship building.
ShutterFest was great, but Sheila and I grabbing a quick breakfast with Shep and Cindy Hyken topped off the trip like a great dessert after a good dinner.
I read an anonymous quote about cyberspace recently:
                                    There are no strangers here, only friends who haven’t met!
Here are a few easy tips to help you expand those cyberspace relationships:

  • Develop a short list of people you check in on at least one morning each week. Think of it like working in an office and wandering over to a co-worker to say hello.
  • Depending on where they have the most content, check out Facebook, their tweet stream and their blog or website.
  • When you find something interesting, share a little feedback.
  • As the relationship grows, don't be afraid to pick up the phone! It might seem old-fashioned and time-consuming, but it's still one of the very best ways to keep in contact. And, while I know nobody's interesting it tying up a lot of time in social calls, you don't have to make it a marathon conversation, or for that matter call very often. All you're doing is checking in and seeing if there's anything you can help with.
  • Since most of you are photographers, this is where attending every possible convention comes into play. Nothing beats the value of building a stronger network and meeting with "friends" you've never met, face to face.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, or support your friends when they need it!

Use your social media reach to build your network and expand your abilities to communicate, but don’t miss the opportunities to connect with people you’ve only met in cyberspace.

Are you interested in the very best customer service blog in business? Check out Shep's blog. It's always packed solid with excellent content to help you raise the bar on your skill set in service. Click on the cartoons below to link to a couple of my favorites from his archives.

You know how to focus your camera, but are you doing everything you can to focus on your business?


from SkipCohenUniversity - SCU Blog

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