Photography, Lighting, Education and Your Skill Set

© EtiAmmos
Since starting the SCU blog six years ago, there's so much that's changed in the industry, especially in technology and online education. I've written in the past: you can't become a great photographer just watching videos any more than you could become a great race car driver never getting behind the wheel. However, there's a great balance, and Profoto has found the right mix.

​I pulled three short (each under two minutes) terrific introduction videos from the Profoto Academy, featuring Profoto's own David Bicho. He does an excellent job teaching, and the Academy is loaded with information to help raise the bar on your skill set and your understanding of lighting!

I mentioned Profoto finding the "right mix" in education and here's how they're doing it...
  • YouTube: Their YouTube channel is loaded with hundreds of FREE videos, and I've shared many of them here at SCU. Profoto is providing great ideas on technique with some of the finest educators/artists in the industry.
  • Profoto Academy: While not free, is giving photographers more in-depth help. And, we all know the expression, "You get what you pay for!" Well, FREE is terrific, but the Academy is giving you the kind of help and understanding you need to raise the bar on the quality of your images.
  • ProfotoUSA on Facebook: Every week they're sharing with Profoto Live and streaming education, again designed to help you become a better artist and understand more about lighting.
This is just a sampler - Click on any video above to visit Profoto's Facebook Page and all the streaming content at your fingertips!
  • ​​ShutterFest: As a hands-on event, every attendee has an opportunity to work with Profoto gear with one of the largest loaner "libraries" of equipment on the conference circuit.  Just like checking out a library book, you've got an opportunity to use the equipment in an environment totally focused on helping you better understand lighting.
  • Profoto Educators and Conventions/Workshops: Throughout the year you'll find some of the best educators in lighting speaking and teaching at the various conventions, as well as on the road with their own workshops.
  • Rental Houses and Retailers: Profoto's dealers and rental houses are just a click away with one of the best networks in the industry! 

Being a great photographer starts with your passion for the craft, but from there it's a never-ending focus on education. Technology is continually changing, and along with it, you have to stay current with your skill set. Profoto's created the right mix, but it's up to you to push the edge of the creative envelope and capture the very best images and ultimately exceed client expectations.

Many years ago I was sitting in a presentation with the legendary Don Blair. Most of you never knew him, but he was considered one of the best portrait artists, and lighting educators in the industry. Well, there he was in his mid-seventies taking notes during the workshop. When I asked him what he was doing, with no hesitation whatsoever he responded, "My man - this guy's ideas, and how he's lighting these models is incredible. I've got to learn this stuff!" Right up to a few weeks before he passed away, he never stopped learning!

You've chosen a career where you can never slow down on your educartion, and Profoto's made it a point never to stop building great gear and helping you all along the way. They're giving you the tools you need to keep being the very best!

Enjoy the three short intro videos below. Check out the complete collection of online courses by visiting the Profoto Academy.

from SkipCohenUniversity - SCU Blog

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